Apply Online

Each Portsmouth Housing property and program has different eligibility and priority guidelines. This is why we encourage everyone to apply so our staff can help determine which properties or programs you are eligible for. For Portsmouth Housing to make this determination, you must first complete our full Preliminary Application and supply documents that our staff may require.

Portsmouth Housing provides housing and housing subsidies in two ways.

PHA Owned & Managed Properties
First, we own and manage over 650 rental apartments located in 13 different sites throughout the City of Portsmouth. Housing Applicants can apply for this rental housing in one or all of these properties, although it should be noted that certain eligibility criteria such as age, income, and others does vary for each development.

When these rental apartments become available, qualified households are selected from a Waitlist, asked to update their file to ensure eligibility, and then schedule a time with one of our Property Managers when you can view and accept the apartment.

Our Preliminary Application does not cover the following property; it has its own application:

  • Betty's Dream Rainbow Apartments: Reserved for physically handicapped individuals. If you or someone you know are physically handicapped and interested in applying to that waiting list, contact the Property Managers at or 603-436-4310 ext. 133.


Portable Housing Choice Vouchers
Secondly, our Housing Voucher Program is a rental subsidy program that gives subsidies directly to owners of over 400 quality rental apartments throughout the region. The cash subsidies provided to these rental property owners allow them to rent the apartment to low-income tenants at monthly rental rates far below market rents. In this way, people with low income with a Housing Choice Voucher have a monthly housing expense that is no more than 30% of their gross income.

There are also HCV programs at Housing Authorities throughout New Hampshire including the statewide New Hampshire Housing Finance Authority. The HCV program is reserved for the lowest income households in our community. When vouchers are available, qualified households are selected from a Wait List, certified, briefed on the requirements of the program, and are then permitted to locate their own housing. The maximum rent payment standards are determined by the US Department of Housing and Development (HUD) and are revised annually.


Notice Dated 8/15/2024

Dear Community Members,

Due to the high demand and limited availability of affordable housing units, we are closing the following waiting lists effective 9/15/2024:

  • Atlantic Heights
  • Connors Cottage
  • Lafayette School
  • Housing Choice Voucher (Section 8)

This means that we will not accept any new applications for these housing programs and/or properties until further notice. If you have already submitted an application for these programs prior to the effective date, you will remain on the waiting list, and we will contact you when a unit or voucher becomes available that matches your preferences and eligibility, in accordance with our tenant selection plans. However, we cannot guarantee when this will happen, as the waiting time may vary depending on unit turnover rates and availability of vouchers.

We understand that this decision may cause hardship and frustration for those who are in need of safe and affordable housing. We appreciate your patience and cooperation as we work to manage our current resources and serve our existing clients and applicants as best as we can.

Our remaining housing waitlists will remain the same as of the date of this notice. If you have any questions or concerns about your application status or the waiting list closure, please contact us at 603-436-4310 or email us at  You can also visit our website at for more information.

We thank you for your understanding and support.


Cathy Gallagher
HCV/PH Program Manager

Applicant FAQs

  1. Complete a preliminary application.
    Click the "Apply Now" button on this page to apply online to our waiting list(s). If you experience difficulty with the online application, you can receive a hard copy by emailing us, calling our office, or stopping by our main office at 245 Middle Street. 

  2. Wait for the preliminary application to be processed.
    • If you've applied online via WaitlistCheck, you'll receive an immediate notification that you've been added to our waiting lists.
    • If you've applied with a paper application, processing your application will take approximately two weeks; once your application is processed, the applicant will receive a letter in the mail confirming he/she has been added to the Waitlist(s).

It is your responsibility to keep your address and phone number updated with the Portsmouth Housing Authority while you are on our Waitlist.

When a unit becomes available and the applicant is high enough on the Waitlist, then he/she will be contacted to fill out the full application. Applicants will receive a letter and a phone call from the Portsmouth Housing Authority when their application reaches the top of the Waitlist of the property they have requested.

Below, you can find the income eligibility criteria for the different waiting lists. All applicants must also agree to a criminal background check. In general, eligibility for housing is based upon income, age, disability, and citizen or immigration status. 

Each property has its own eligibility criteria. Income, age, and disability status may impact your ability to apply for a property.

The income limits below are based on HUD's 2024 income limits. HUD updates their income limits annually in the spring and can be viewed by clicking here.

  1. Atlantic Heights (1 & 2-Bedrooms):
    *this waitlist currently closed / not accepting applications*
    1. Limited to applicants age 62+
    2. AND Limited to applicants making less than 50% of the Area Median Income (AMI):
      • Under $45,950 gross/year for a 1-person household
      • Under $52,500 gross/year for a 2-person household
      • Under $59,050 gross/year for a 3-person household
      • Under $65,600 gross/year for a 4-person household
  2. Connors Cottage (1-Bedrooms only):

    *this waitlist currently closed / not accepting applications*
    1. Limited to applicants age 62+
    2. AND Limited to applicants making less than 50% of the Area Median Income (AMI):
      • Under $45,950 gross/year for a 1-person household
      • Under $52,500 gross/year for a 2-person household

  3. Lafayette School (1-Bedrooms only):
    *this waitlist currently closed / not accepting applications* 
    1. Limited to applicants age 62+
    2. AND Limited to applicants making less than 50% of the Area Median Income (AMI):
      • Under $45,950 gross/year for a 1-person household
      • Under $52,500 gross/year for a 2-person household

  4. Public Housing (Studios, 1-4 Bedrooms)

    1. Feaster (1-2 Bedrooms):
      1. Limited to individuals who are mentally and/or physically disabled, and/or age 62+
      2. AND Limited to applicants who are making less than 80% of the Area Median Income (AMI):
        • Under $73,520 gross/year for a 1-person household
        • Under $84,000 gross/year for a 2-person household
        • Under $94,480 gross/year for a 3-person household
        • Under $104,960 gross/year for a 4-person household

    2. Gosling Meadows (1-4 Bedrooms)
      1. Limited to applicants making less than 80% of the Area Median Income (AMI):
        • Under $73,520 gross/year for a 1-person household
        • Under $84,000 gross/year for a 2-person household
        • Under $94,480 gross/year for a 3-person household
        • Under $104,960 gross/year for a 4-person household
        • Under $113,360 gross/year for a 5-person household
        • Under $121,760 gross/year for a 6-person household
        • Under $130,160 gross/year for a 7-person household
        • Under $138,560 gross/year for an 8-person household

    3. Margeson (1-Bedrooms only):
      1. Limited to individuals who are disabled or age 62+
      2. AND Limited to applicants who are making less than 80% of the Area Median Income (AMI):
        • Under $73,520 gross/year for a 1-person household
        • Under $84,000 gross/year for a 2-person household

    4. Pleasant Street Apartments (1-Bedrooms only):
      1. Limited to individuals who are disabled or age 62+
      2. AND Limited to applicants who are making less than 80% of the Area Median Income (AMI):
        • Under $73,520 gross/year for a 1-person household
        • Under $84,000 gross/year for a 2-person household

    5. State Street Apartments (1-Bedrooms only):
      1. Limited to individuals who are disabled or age 62
      2. AND Limited to applicants who are making less than 80% of the Area Median Income (AMI):
        • Under $73,520 gross/year for a 1-person household
        • Under $84,000 gross/year for a 2-person household

    6. Woodbury Manor (Studios, 1-2 Bedrooms):
      1. Limited to individuals who are disabled or age 62+
      2. AND Limited to applicants who are making less than 80% of the Area Median Income (AMI):
        • Under $73,520 gross/year for a 1-person household
        • Under $84,000 gross/year for a 2-person household
        • Under $94,480 gross/year for a 3-person household
        • Under $104,960 gross/year for a 4-person household
  5. Ruth Lewin Griffin Place (1-2 Bedrooms):

    1. Applicant must pass a credit check proving that they don’t have any recent evictions and don’t owe money to any landlords.
    2. Limited to certain incomes:
      • Between $32,430 - $64,330 gross/year for a 1-person household
      • Between $32,430 or $38,850 - $69,020.00 gross/year for a 2-person household, depending on bedroom size
      • Between $38,850 - $82,670 gross/year for a 3-person household
      • Between $38,850 - $91,840 gross/year for a 4-person household
  6. Section 8 / Housing Choice Voucher:

    *this waitlist currently closed / not accepting applications*
    There is no limit on household size; once a voucher holder is qualified, it is up to them to find a unit that meets the family’s needs and matches the voucher.

    1. Limited to applicants making less than 50% of the Area Median Income (AMI):
      • Under $45,950 gross/year for a 1-person household
      • Under $52,500 gross/year for a 2-person household
      • Under $59,050 gross/year for a 3-person household
      • Under $65,600 gross/year for a 4-person household
      • Under $70,850 gross/year for a 5-person household
      • Under $76,100 gross/year for a 6-person household
      • Under $81,350 gross/year for a 7-person household
      • Under $86,600 gross/year for an 8-person household
  7. Wamesit Place (1-3 Bedrooms):

    1. Generally limited to applicants making less than 60% of the Area Median Income (AMI), with some specific units limited to applicants making less than 50% AMI. Below are the 60% income limits:
      • Under $43,150 gross/year for a 1-person household
      • Under $49,300 gross/year for a 2-person household
      • Under $55,450 gross/year for a 3-person household
      • Under $61,600 gross/year for a 4-person household
      • Under $66,550 gross/year for a 5-person household
      • Under $71,500 gross/year for a 6-person household
  8. 200 Greenleaf Avenue (Single-room Occupancy Units and a 1-Bedroom)

    1. This property has communal living with shared bathrooms and a shared main kitchen. There are 13 single-room occupancy units and one 1-bedroom unit.

The wait for housing varies upon a variety of factors and can be difficult to predict. Applicants who are veterans, elderly (62+ years), disabled, elderly/disabled, who are current Portsmouth residents, or who work in Portsmouth receive preference on our waiting lists. Depending on these preferences and the availability of units for a given waiting list, the wait for housing or housing assistance is around several years.

Applicants will receive a letter and a phone call from PHA when their application reaches the top of the Wait List(s) they request to be on.

Any further questions can be emailed to

Each waiting list is equipped with individual preferences that allow certain applicants priority placement on the list. The head of household, co-head, or spouse must qualify for the preference in order for it to be applied.

Please note that not all waiting lists have the same preferences and that different preferences have different point allocations. In order for these preferences to be applied to your application, you will need to submit proof as outlined below after completing your online application. Proof may be submitted either by mail or in person to the Portsmouth Housing Authority at 245 Middle St, Portsmouth, NH 03801 OR by email to

Preferences include:

  1. Working in the city of Portsmouth preference (Ruth Lewin Griffin Place) (1pt)
    Proof:  a copy of a recent paycheck stub.

  2. Veteran and/or spouse of veteran preference (Ruth Lewin Griffin Place (1pt), Public Housing (2pts), Section 8 (2pts))
    Proof:  DD214, DD215, or DD217.

  3. Homelessness preference (Section 8) (4pts)
    Proof:  Homeless Management Information System (HMIS) number and/or letter from local homeless service organizations such as Cross Roads House, New Generation, Inc., Seacoast Mental Health Center, Families in Transition, and/or HAVEN.

  4. Local preference (Public Housing, Section 8, Wamesit Place, Atlantic Heights, Connors Cottage, Lafayette School) (4pts)
    Proof:  a copy of a rent receipt, lease, utility bill, employment record, driver’s license, etc. confirming that the applicant is a resident of Portsmouth.

  5. Elderly(62+)/Disabled preference (Public Housing, Section 8) (1pt)
    Proof:  SSDI letter or letter from medical provider confirming disability / driver's license or birth certificate confirming date of birth.

No. If you owe money to another Housing Authority you will not be eligible. All debt to any Housing Authority must be paid before becoming eligible. However, you can still put your name on our Waitlist.

This varies upon individual circumstances. Generally, assets do not count as income. However, income from assets does matter. If you are earning interest of over $5,000 from your assets, then it does count as income.

Portsmouth Housing Authority does not provide emergency housing.

All new housing applicants are taken from the Waitlist based upon the date they applied and if they are veterans, elderly (62+ years old), people with disabilities, elderly people with disabilities, people who are employed, and/or residents of Portsmouth. The waiting time for housing can take anywhere from about 1 to 3 years.

If you are in need of emergency housing, please reach out to local shelters.

In order to be eligible for housing assistance, each applicant or recipient of housing assistance must be lawfully within the United States as a US Citizen or with Eligible Immigration Status. Please see our Preliminary Application and review the DECLARATION OF SECTION 214 (CITIZENSHIP STATUS) form for specific information about Eligible Status.

All applicants are subject to a criminal background check and may be asked to provide additional details. Applicants with a criminal record who are not truthful about their record will be rejected and could face penalties for perjury. If an applicant is denied housing assistance because of their criminal background or any other reason, he/she has an opportunity to appeal the decision to the Portsmouth Housing Authority.